Henan Rongjin Co., Ltd. and Lefilter held an exchange meeting on reducing costs and increasing efficiency

Henan Rongjin Co., Ltd. and Lefilter held an exchange meeting on reducing costs and increasing efficiency

On July 28th, Zhang Jiangwei, vice president of marketing of Henan Molten Gold High Temperature Materials Co., Ltd., Deng Buyu, purchasing director 

and other leaders visited Lefilter Company to carry out exchange meetings on strategic cooperation in enterprise supply and marketing, cost reduction 

and efficiency improvement, and Xu Changsong, assistant to the chairman of the company, Wu Yi, director of the cross-industry alliance, Yan Zhengjun, 

procurement director and relevant responsible persons warmly received.


At the exchange meeting, Mr. Zhang spoke highly of Lifelt's development, strategic deployment and product industry project transformation 

achievements, and made clear the firm confidence in the cooperation between the two sides.


After the meeting, Mr. Zhang and his entourage visited the B1 and E3 factories to have a specific understanding of the product layout and market positioning of fluid equipment and environmental protection equipment.



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